Best Story Ever

I can talk about – and for that matter, tell – stories all day, and it was the basis of what I used to do as a stand-up comic. My favourite story structure is the ‘Hero’s Journey’, used for films like ‘Star Wars’ and ‘Lord of the Rings’ (read more about it here).

The elements of this story archetype that really excite me are:

  1. The ordinary person who rises to become a true hero.
  2. The ridiculous odds they face.
  3. The characters they meet.

Not only do these have huge parallels within the whole adventure of improving your public speaking, but you can use these elements within your presentations (see also my posts ‘Still Listening? Good’ and ‘Don’t Tell Them Everything First’). Here’s how:

  1. By relating your material through a personal experience, you create a human connection. 
  2. Telling your audience about a problem you encountered and overcame makes you fallible, honest, and resourceful (very likable traits, right?). 
  3. Talk about people you know, revealing your relationships and interests (Ka-pow! Even more likability – well done).
Be a hero.

Read more about the power of stories in this tasty blog post by Refe Tuma 

4 thoughts on “Best Story Ever”

  1. Pingback: Games and Presentations Need Heroes | Jon Torrens

  2. Pingback: Star Wars: My Story -

  3. Pingback: Surprise! Stories are Vital -

  4. Pingback: Dark, Depressing Stories -

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