Learn From the Best

Watch this TED talk by Ken Robinson if you have the time (it’s 19 and a half minutes). It’s informative, entertaining and inspiring, and is the kind of thing I aspire to deliver. Here’s what I think are the most important aspects that you can learn from it:

  1. He knows the subject.
  2. He’s passionate about it. 
  3. He uses humour.
  4. He appears to be very intelligent.
That’s a fantastic four of public speaking right there (for me, only Stephen Fry is better). You can use all four of those qualities when you speak before a group, and here’s how:
  1. Learn your material.
  2. Find what moves you about it, even if it’s relatively trivial (see my post ‘Release the Fury’).
  3. Try a joke if you think it suits your audience. Make yourself the victim of the joke. 
  4. If you’re smart – you’re reading this, so you must be pretty bright – then show it. 
So, learn from the masters: watch some talks at TED.com, and watch any of Stephen Fry’s BAFTA speeches on youtube.
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