Do you ever feel both up and down at the same time? I feel as if I usually swing between the two.
- Up! I had a lovely weekend with my family.
- Down! I feel like I should be trying harder to exercise and get past my Covid fatigue*.
- Up! Business this month has been exceptionally good.
- Down! Who knows what business will come next? Perhaps I should be trying harder.
- Up! The weather in Ely is gorgeous right now.
And on it goes: up, down, up, down. The key is that I’m OK telling you about it; I see no point in saying ‘Yay, everything’s great!’ if they’re actually not. It’s all part of an effort to be more authentic in my communication.
* tiredness from having had Covid, although I’m also tired of being tired, if you see what I mean.
So, my message is to be yourself:
- love your imperfections and share them.
- celebrate your strengths.
- be open about your feelings (without being rude or seeking a response).
- remember that, sometimes, a little silliness is a very good thing.
[I took this photo while cycling near Wilburton.]