Public Speaking is Safer Than You Think

Standing behind a microphone in front of an audience can feel intimidating and very disconcerting. There’s the build-up, the pressure of expectation, and the theatre of the whole thing; a stage, a host, there may even be bright lights.

Your instinct tells you that this is a dangerous situation, and that’s completely normal – you can’t predict the outcome and you want to do well. Everything leading up to this point will add to your tension and stress. You belive your audience are going to see your weaknesses and doubt your credibility!

Well, the focused attention can feel like judgement, but it’s not. It’s an active, listening audience granting you the status of speaker. They want you to do well, they want to learn from you and, if we’re honest, their expectations may not be that high.

Despite your instinctive terror, the risk is actually very low. You’re in a good place; your success is there for the taking.

All you have to do is prepare properly; your audience will do the rest. Their enthusiasm will match yours, lifting and guiding you just as you need it. Ask for their help and you’ll almost certainly receive it.

Take that step. It’s definitely worth it.

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