Tips for Seduction

It’s said that stand-up comedy gigs are like one night stands: you go out on-stage and try to seduce strangers with your wit. When speaking to people you don’t know, you can present an interesting persona to to them, much like a date with a stranger. Presentation, networking event or cold call on the phone, it’s all the same. Stay with me, there’s nothing sleazy about this. No, really. Promise.


Ladies and Gentlemen

The word ‘seduction’ can simply mean to persuade or win someone over, and obviously I used it to entice you to read this piece (it worked, too). The key is interest. Being really interesting is about showing your most original qualities and hoping they appeal to the person you’re talking to. Playing it safe because you’re worried about offending people is a one way ticket to mediocrity, which is not a popular business destination. In fact, (analogy alert!) mediocrity is very much the Milton Keynes of business destinations: boring, confusing and derided by everyone (I enjoyed that). The point is, people enjoying your originality is worth the risk of others objecting to it. The losers.


Tippety Top Tips

Here are a few things you can use:

  1. First impression: maintain eye contact, smile, say your name and then say something unexpected (and preferably inoffensive, please). In a networking event, this would be something unassociated with business, which is really good because it shows you’re not just a shark.
  2. Ask a question and then shut up. Listen.
  3. Show you’ve listened. Nice moves. Wasn’t so tricky, was it?
  4. Be self-deprecating, show you have a sense of humour. (Hint: combining this with #1 is a good move.)
  5. Those clothes you’re wearing? They think you wear those all the time, so make sure they’re top quality.

None of this is lying, it’s just showing what you have in the best light.

And that’s the definition of good presentation.

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  1. Pingback: Non-Tedious Networking - Jon Torrens - Communication Coach

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