4 Blogs to Avoid When Making Mistakes

Some keys.

I love these blogs; they have a wealth of useful of information. However, regardless of the subject matter, you can also learn blogging technique from their excellent form and style:

http://theinspiredgroup.com/inspired-blog/ Ann Hawkins is a no-nonsense business mentor, and The Inspired Group site features an excellent blog, as well as a tonne of practical information and interviews. (If you’re local to Cambridge, then also look at Ann’s meetup: http://www.meetup.com/Cambridge-Bloggers-Meetup/)

http://thegoodgrammarcompany.com/blog/ I thought I knew a lot about spelling and grammar. And I do. But Kathy Salaman knows a lot more.

http://www.cambridgebusinesslounge.com/blog/ Thorough business advice. Ed’s all about collaboration, and it shows.

http://amylynnandrews.com/about/ This lady gives great blog advice, and keeps everything succinct.

What are your favourite blogs? Let me know!

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