Improve Your Business – Play Games

Read the Instructions

In order for your business to thrive, you have to think creatively about what it provides. Doing the same old thing worked for a while, but now you must innovate.

The pressure of coming up with something original actually prevents creative thought – the fear of failure is your enemy and you must remove it. Children come up with wonderful stuff because they’re completely unrestricted by the stupid notion of having a ‘bad’ idea (and aren’t even trying to come up with an idea anyway).


Break the Rules

My two children play through scenarios that are completely ridiculous – which is what makes the scenarios such an utterly unpredictable joy to me.


But why play to solve your business problems? Games are a waste of time, right?

No, play and games are an infinite source of great ideas, because the removal of risk provides a safe arena for experimentation, allowing absolute creativity. Enjoying this process means it’s working. Demand nothing and your people might just surprise you with something wonderful.

Create a game to solve your problem and you create a perfect environment for its solution to appear.

Play. Create.


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