Make a Boring Subject Interesting

Subjects aren’t boring; just the way they’re approached.

How do you make a boring subject interesting? I’ve been asked this a few times and I have to point out that I believe that there is no such thing as a boring subject, only the way in which it is seen or presented. I think it’s quite possible to present a really exciting subject in a boring way.

You, as the medium of your particular talk or presentation, need to discover that angle, that perspective that excites you about your subject and then convey that particular angle, that particular excitement to your audience. You could talk to an audience who have already decided that they’re not interested in your subject and deliver something in a way that was really exciting, and get them interested in that subject through your excitement and interest.

So, please realize there is no such thing as a boring subject, only the way in which it is presented. Find that spark, and use that to create excitement in yourself and then in your audience.

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