Sensational Improvisational

Watch this: It’s Ricky Gervais at the 2008 Emmy awards. Notice how at 2 minutes and 8 seconds, he apparently goes off-script and verbally attacks Steve Carrell. It’s a fantastic example of how doing something seemingly unprepared creates an atmosphere of compelling uncertainty. At an event where everything is strictly regimented and unsurprising, you can be sure […]

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Heroes. They’re my favourite people, whether it’s fantasy characters like Batman or Luke Skywalker, stand-up comedians with their stories of righting wrongs, or real-life people who endure and then overcome true hardship. The underdog who steps up to the challenge when it really matters is a true inspiration to me, fictional or otherwise. And so

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Such a Child

I like to mess about. When it comes to most things in my life such as my finances, my family – you know, the important stuff – I like order, for things to be in their place, to have logic, predictability and safety. Left brain stuff. But when it comes to anywhere you can be

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Oh, Cut the Crap

I know, pretty shocking title, isn’t it? Well, I’m feeling passionate, so strap in. I’m in a pretty exciting place right now. Not literally (currently I’m sitting in Ely Library in the ‘Quiet Area’. Nothing much exciting happens here). I mean figuratively. I’m starting my public speaking training business, and there’s a demand for my

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Be Like Water

What’s the most important quality you need to be both a great martial artist or a great public speaker? One word, people: adaptability. Going with the flow, being in the zone, whatever you want to call it. Charles Darwin said: “It’s not the strongest of the species nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the

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