Author name: Jon Torrens

I use a method that simplifies the whole process of giving presentations and speaking; it makes you highly effective while also making everything easier to deliver. I am the Shinobi of the speaking world, eliminating boring presentations and allowing true influencers to shine.

Presentation Fails and How to Fix Them #19: Questions?

There are various ways to end a presentation badly, such as: running out of time just trailing off: “so… I think that’s… yeah, that’s, that’s it.” “So, does anyone have any questions?” I see a lot of presentations which finish with that last one, where the final slide says ‘Questions?’. What follows in my experience

Presentation Fails and How to Fix Them #19: Questions? Read More »

Presentation Fails and How to Fix Them #18: Time Limit

Going over your time limit is unprofessional and annoys everyone; the audience, the next speaker, and whoever organised the whole thing. It may seem unimportant to you, but it could mean that your audience infers from you a sense of unreliability or arrogance. Either of which is a sure-fire way of sabotaging all your hard

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