Show Desire. Kick Ass, Too

I watched Kick-Ass 2 last night, a violent movie about revenge and being a hero without powers. Now I know I write a lot about heroes (see also my post ‘Heroics‘) and how you can take inspiration from them, but this post’s different. Well, slightly.

Let’s get to it:

The protagonist in the ‘Kick-Ass’ movies is an ordinary person with no powers; he doesn’t have great intellect or huge finances like Batman or Iron Man, he’s just a bloke. He’s more heroic and satisfying than Batman because he doesn’t have these incredible resources, so we can relate to him more. But he does have the desire (maximum hero points right there). From ‘Batman Begins’:

Bruce Wayne: The man had a gun!
Henri Ducard: Would that stop you?
Bruce Wayne: I’ve had training!
Henri Ducard: The training is nothing! The will is everything!

You can be a real-life, awe-inspiring hero simply by doing these things:

  • Getting up and speaking in front of a group.
  • Holding your nerve and not giving up.
  • Coping with interruptions while speaking. 
It’s all there for the taking. But you must take it.
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