Tweak the Nose of Terror

Embrace your fear. It’s not your enemy, it’s your essential companion during any important verbal communication, and it’s not going anywhere. So respect it and move on, because it’s possible to actually gain power from it.

The people in the image above have no fear, because they’re clinically insane.

The Facts
Here’s what you need to know about fear when speaking to a group or to anyone important. It’s:

  • normal
  • necessary
  • an unlimited source of energy 

At the bottom of this post there are two related posts: ‘Kick Fear in the Teeth’ and ‘Removing Fear’. They could just as easily been called ‘Kiss Fear on the Mouth’ and ‘Accept Fear’. Learn to laugh in the face of fear and tweak the nose of terror and you’ll join the ranks of speakers who people listen to and remember.

Handle It
Being afraid of your speaking engagement is like being hungry; it’s not unbearable. In fact, with dedication and practice, you can experience the sensation and continue as normal. Okay, you need a lot of dedication and practice, but your reward is one of the greatest you’ll ever achieve. 

Models have a saying: “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels”However you feel about that mantra, here’s one of my own:

“Nothing is as much fun as speaking confidently”.  

So whatever reason you have for not tackling your fear head-on, remember the goal of confidence, and get stuck in.

Related Posts
‘Kick Fear in the Teeth’
‘Removing Fear’

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